This week I want to talk about habits because collectively they are kind of all over the place. Quarantine has put us in this twilight zone where it is socially acceptable and encouraged to stay in all the time (which everyone should do, ya know keep the curve flat), and what you do with that time at home is completely up to you. You don’t have to do anything, really. You aren’t seeing anyone, if you live alone then there is no one there to get up for, but this is also a major opportunity.
What happens when we choose to work on things while we stay in? I mean, it doesn’t have to be huge, it just has to be effort. Maybe that is just making sure you get out of bed or go for a walk just to get out of the house for a little bit. When we put effort into who we are, the goals that we want to achieve and what we want to put into the world, it comes back. Now, I know I sound kind of like a hallmark card but working this week has taught me that investing in yourself will allow you to grow more than you ever thought possible. And I am here for it.
We are roughly two months in and if we are being honest, restrictions will be here for a while. This summer is going to be different that the summers before it and we are going to have to practice being distant even when we are out. While this is sad, heartbreaking in many ways, it is also a chance for us to grow. Personally, professionally, in literally any way. I think that though this quarantine has been difficult and disheartening, there is so much good that can come from it. I have heard from so many people my age, younger, and older who are starting their own businesses, working with new mediums of art, spending time with their families, working out, learning about themselves—literally anything to stay sane and help themselves grow. And I know that’s not possible for everyone, but there are positives if you want to find them. Right now we could all use some positivity. If you see this and read it by some chance, then I want to challenge you to start helping yourself make habits that are good for you.
So, what are you doing this week?